Automations updates: automated sequences, delay steps and more

Automations Updates 2023

Pipedrive’s workflow automations feature set is now called Automations, and we’ve added new powerful functionality to help you save time, increase productivity and automate lead engagement.

What’s new?

Here are all the improvements we’ve made to Automations in the past months:

  • Automated sequences: You can now set up automations that adapt sequences based on specific email conditions. For example, if the recipient has clicked on a link in a message or replied to it.

  • List view: We’ve made finding the workflow you need easier by adding the ability to filter, search, sort and categorize them with custom labels.

  • Admin visibility: Admin users now have full visibility over workflows owned by other users in their team.

  • Templates: We’ve created a new template homepage, added more templates for a wider range of use cases, improved the template building wizard to allow sequence delays and more.

  • Delays: Speaking of delays, we’ve extended the maximum delay step period from 30 to 90 days.

Set up automations based on link clicks and email replies

Here are three great ways you can use this feature:

  1. Combine Automations with a delay step to follow up with recipients who haven’t replied to an email within a certain period of time.

  2. Update deal stages based on whether the contact has clicked on the CTA within an email.

  3. Set up automated responses to people who reply to your emails to keep them engaged.

Filter workflows and gain more visibility as an admin

Here are five different filters you can find your automations with:

  • Labels: The labels you or your manager have created and added to your automations

  • Triggers: All the available automation triggers

  • Actions: All the available actions that can trigger your automations

  • Status: Filter automations by Enabled or Disabled

  • Owner: If you’re an admin, you can filter automations by specific owner. Note that you won’t be able to edit any of the automations, but you can view them.

Revamped template wizard

You’ll find two new sections on our templates page, enabling you to filter by collection or action.


We’ve created four new collections for different use cases, each with unique templates.

  1. Focus on deals: Stay on top of your sales pipeline.

  2. Engage with leads: Keep your leads in the loop.

  3. Optimize work: Streamline your daily activities.

  4. External apps: Connect Pipedrive to your other tools.


Filter by actions to find automation templates related to Pipedrive features and external apps. We’ve also created a few featured workflows we believe you could benefit from.

Set up longer delays

We’ve tripled the possible length of the delay steps you can add to automations from 30 to 90 days.

Automations is available on Advanced, Professional and Enterprise plans. If you’re new to Pipedrive and want to try our Automations feature, you can sign up for a free 14-day trial. We'll be rolling out more updates to Automations over the next few months, so keep an eye out for news on our blog.

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