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Pipedrive has new permission sets to give your team more granular access

Deals App Global Permission

We’ve updated our permission sets so there are now two permission set categories: deals app permission sets and the global permission sets. Configure your team member’s permissions in Pipedrive to give them the access they need.

How have permissions changed?

To make it easier for you to give each person in your team the exact access they need, we’ve split the previous permission sets into two:

  1. The Deals app permission sets

  2. The global permission sets

In addition, we have a separate permission set for account settings, which includes access to user management, billing, company settings and security center. If you wish to provide users with access to account settings, you can do that by enabling account settings access for them. By default, app admin users will not have access to these important settings of your account.

Anyone with the recently released Campaigns add-on will also have access to the Campaigns permission sets. The Deals app permission sets also include LeadBooster permissions if you have the LeadBooster add-on, which can provide users access to:

Why has Pipedrive made these changes

As we release more new products, features and add-ons (like LeadBooster and Campaigns), we want our users to be able to access only the tools they need. However, we still want managers to be able to control who in their team is able to do what.

By splitting out our permission sets, we aim to ensure that users can access specific Pipedrive product features that they need, without having to have full access to everything.

What are the Deals app permission sets?

If you have account settings access, you can go to the permission set page to give regular users in your team access rights that specifically relate to deal management, including:

  • The ability to delete deals

  • The ability to merge deals

  • The ability to edit a deal’s won/lost date

Similarly, the LeadBooster and Campaigns permission sets enable you to give user access to features specific to those add-ons.

What is the global permission set?

You’ll find cross-product permission options in the global permissions set, such as:

  • Visibility permissions, including permission to follow other users

  • Data management permissions, including permission to create and delete custom fields

  • Organization, people and product permissions, including the ability to merge people

You’ll find other general Pipedrive-related permissions there as well.

How will the new permission sets benefit me?

As mentioned earlier, we want to give admins as much control over who can access what in the Pipedrive products we release.

We also want to keep Pipedrive as simple as possible for all the various teams and departments that need at least some access to it.

With more granular permission set configuration, it is easier to ensure that each user in their team can do only what they need to do in Pipedrive.

Interested in using these permission sets and new to our CRM? You can try Pipedrive free for 14 days, no credit card required.

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