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Learn how to manage email threads effectively and boost your business’s productivity with best practices, example scenarios and useful email templates.
Email is a powerful tool for helping small businesses build relationships and make sales. Discover 11 of the best email signature examples to sign off well.
Learn the importance of drip marketing in our step-by-step guide on creating email drip campaigns, plus seven examples.
Great content is critical to your email marketing success. Learn how to craft email content that hooks, engages and converts your target audience.
A solid customer base is crucial for financial stability and long-term growth. Learn what a customer base is, why it’s important and how to build yours.
Learn the basics of direct marketing for sales teams, including the different types of direct marketing, the drawbacks to consider and tips for success.
Need inspiration for your end-of-year marketing campaign? Discover 13 creative end-of-year email examples that can drive conversions.
Small Business Saturday could generate billions in sales this year. Drive new engagement and revenue with these Small Business Saturday slogans, ideas and tips.
Discover our cold email guide to master strategies that get noticed. Learn to craft personalized, engaging emails that drive results for your small business.
Personalizing emails with contact data can help you send outreach that drives action. Learn about five of the best CRMs with email marketing capabilities.
A great cold email can be the first step in a fruitful relationship. Learn how to introduce yourself in an email with advice, examples and templates.
Email cadence is a major consideration for any email marketing strategy. Find out how to choose the perfect timing and frequency for your next campaign.
Discover 15 crucial email marketing best practices for 2025 to boost engagement, maintain clean lists and optimize your email strategy for maximum ROI.
Learn nine important email marketing metrics, how to measure them and how to use them to improve your email campaigns and email deliverability.
Welcome emails are a huge opportunity to engage new customers with your business. Here are some welcome email examples to get you started.
A goodbye email to coworkers helps you finish on a positive note and strengthen your network. Learn how to write a farewell email with our guide and templates.
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