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Learn how to use AI to analyze large data sets and improve forecasting accuracy. Discover five steps to implement AI for sales forecasting in your business.
Learn how to craft impactful business proposals with a step-by-step guide. Download free templates with proven strategies to engage clients and land more deals.
Knowing your competitors is essential for staying ahead in a crowded market. Learn six steps for conducting an effective, low-cost competitive analysis.
Need to write a mission statement for your small business? Follow our step-by-step guide, see real examples and discover how to put your mission into practice.
A profit and loss statement helps you measure business health. Discover what to include in your statement and how to create one.
Learn what expense reports are, why they’re vital for small businesses and how to create a simple claims process – with free templates to get started.
Analyze competitors to spot opportunities and threats. Learn how a competitive matrix makes analysis easier and start with a free template
Download our free software proposal template. Learn how to create compelling proposals that close deals and customize them for your specific industry
Successful businesses define who they are and how they’ll make money early on. Learn the nine crucial components of a fast, flexible lean business plan.
CRM models can help you refine your approach to customer relationship management. Learn about five of the most popular in our guide.
Balance sheets are easy to understand once you know the format and jargon. Learn how to read one and create your own in four easy steps.
RAID logs help keep your projects on track. Learn how to create your own with a dedicated project management tool or a spreadsheet template.
Learn how to create a business contingency plan in 6 steps to protect your organization from unexpected crises and ensure your operations’ rapid recovery.
Discover how a RACI chart clarifies roles and responsibilities, enhances project efficiency and ensures accountability with our step-by-step guide and template.
Struggling to plan your projects? Learn how to create an effective action plan template and discover how Pipedrive can streamline your project management needs.
Learn how to deal with customer issues, improve satisfaction and build loyalty with these customer complaints response templates and best practices.
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