Powerful Filtering of Contacts and Deals With the New List Views

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And here’s the text overview about the changes

Our software is mostly known for the Pipeline View, but many of our users are also fans of the List View – a spreadsheetlike interface to your data in Pipedrive. List Views let you filter, sort, segment and (bulk) edit your deals or contacts. For example, you may want to see only your own open deals with customers in New York who have a deal value of more than $5,000, and are in a “Proposal sent” stage to assign all of them to a new colleague. You can do that in about 40 seconds in the List View.

The List View has existed from Day One of Pipedrive. However, we now have thoroughly redesigned and rebuilt the it, so that it would be easier to use and fully customize. We also got rid of a couple of annoyances, for lack of a better word. So without further ado, here’s a list of the key changes in the new List View.

New feature: create and export fully customizable lists aka cross-item views

For example, you can now set up a direct mail campaign by filtering out certain deals and adding their postal address from the deal’s Organization data, which you couldn’t do beforehand. We’ve also improved the way of adding columns to the view, compared to the old system.

Improved bulk edit

You can now change several fields at the same time, and change all fields, not just those that are visible in that particular List View. On top of this, the bulk editing feature has been fully redesigned to make it easier to select only specific items to edit.

Improved single item edit

You can now simply click a pen next to any cell and change the data without entering a special mode.

Improved data display

Previously you had to click “Load more” if you had more than 100 deals or contacts displayed. Now all you need to do is scroll down and more lines will be loaded automatically. Furthermore, sorting your data applies to all lines, not just visible lines.

Easier to take action and customize

Actions like “Export,” “Show on map” or “Export to Mailchimp” are now at the top right corner. On top of this, you can now drag and drop columns to set their order in List Views.

One final (important thing): personal filters

You can now have personal filters in Pipedrive (regardless of the view), so you wouldn’t have to view every single filter in the company. But you can also share filters with other people so that you could filter data collectively.

This article was published on July 22, 2015. Product descriptions were correct at the time of publishing.

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