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Power up! Introducing our new plan for large sales teams

Power Plan Announcement

We’ve launched a brand new Pipedrive plan: Power. Power is the new second-highest pricing tier available, sitting between Professional, which has been upgraded, and Enterprise.

The Power plan

The new Power plan empowers larger teams with flexible collaboration and support, making it perfect for busy pipelines and complex team structures.

The plan offers scalable control of account permissions and visibilities, project management capabilities as well as increased feature usage limits and the reassurance of phone support when you need it.

Here’s what Power plan users will get access to:

Project planning, tracking and delivery

  • Manage, automate and track your tasks

  • Take won deals seamlessly into project delivery mode with Projects access for every seat

  • Map out complex projects in Pipedrive with our new Kanban board view and save time on manual work with templates and automations

  • Create to-do lists with tasks and subtasks and easily track projects with labels, custom fields and filters

  • Keep your teams in sync: Make team collaboration a breeze with notes, files, emails and mentions

Phone support and CRM implementation

  • Get personalized training on how to implement Pipedrive into your business’s processes and systems

  • Request and schedule follow-up phone support

Better control of account permissions and visibilities

  • Get the controls you need for managing larger teams

  • Facilitate collaboration with five times as many custom permission sets, custom visibility groups and teams as available on Professional

Higher usage caps

  • Manage busy pipelines, get greater scope to customize and automate and keep all your colleagues across the business up to date with custom reports

  • Have up to:
    • 200,000 open deals per account

    • 500 custom fields per account

    • 250 custom reports per user

    • 90 active automations per user

The Power plan is available to all existing and new Pipedrive users. You can find more information on the Power CRM plan page or compare all our plans on our pricing page.

Professional plan upgrades

In addition to launching the Power plan, we’ve also recently upgraded our Professional plan so all users on this plan have access to these new features.

Driving business growth

Driving business growth