by MillionVerifier by GBD Plc
Remove bad emails from your email lists at low prices with the MillionVerifier integration. We strongly recommend removing any invalid or disposable emails from your lists regularly to keep your bounce rate low and maximize your email inbox rate.
Semi-automated email verification: Connect your Pipedrive account with MillionVerifier to import your email list for verification. Once completed, you can select which emails you would like to remove from Pipedrive.
Automated email verification – EverClean: Set up the integration once to always keep your account clean of any bad emails. We will clean your entire email list every day and automatically remove bad emails from your email list for you.
Welcome to the MillionVerifier app!
Log in to MillionVerifier
To get started, you must have an account on MillionVerifier. You can create one here for free: https://app.millionverifier.com/register.
If you already have an account, please log in: https://app.millionverifier.com/login.
Integrate with Pipedrive
We have all available integrations listed here: https://app.millionverifier.com/email_verify#integration. Find Pipedrive and click "Connect".
MillionVerifier will direct you to Pipedrive to authorize our application.
Import your emails to MillionVerifier
Once Pipedrive is connected, click on the "import" button next to the Pipedrive icon to import your contacts for email verification.
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