by Pipechat
Nurture my leads, Communicate with leads, Manage my accounts
Sign up to installPipechat is a Chrome extension that adds a Pipedrive sidebar to WhatsApp Web and Telegram Web.
With Pipechat, you can quickly add the most important messages as notes to your deals, add your WhatsApp and Telegram contacts to Pipedrive with one click, and create new deals as you chat. You can also schedule your next chats and use template messages in your conversations.
Kick off related actions in Pipechat as you work with your deals, contacts and/or activities in Pipedrive.
Open in WhatsApp Web
Locations:deal detailsperson details
Open in Telegram Web
Locations:deal detailsperson details
Pipechat only works with Chrome via Chrome Extensions. After installing the app through Pipedrive's Marketplace, you'll be shown the links to install the Chrome Extensions. Once both the Pipedrive's app and the Chrome Extensions are installed, you will be able to start using the Pipechat sidebar on WhatsApp Web and Telegram Web.
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Pipechat se ha convertido en un aliado clave para nuestro pequeño negocio. Gracias a su plataforma, hemos optimizado nuestra comunicación con clientes, agilizando procesos y ahorrando tiempo en la gestión de consultas. Su facilidad de uso y eficiencia nos han permitido enfocarnos en lo que realmente importa: brindar un mejor servicio. ¡Totalmente recomendado!
Last reply 17 days ago
Não estou conseguindo usa r o aplicativo está péssimo
Le falta sencillez
El mejor complemento de pipedrive!
Last reply 45 days ago
A extensão não funcionou corretamente no PC de nenhum dos meus colegas de trabalho, e eles são quem mais iriam utilizar essa ferramenta. Parece ser muito boa, mas se ela não funciona em todos os PCs não adianta investir nela.
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