by Torch Products
Add Taliscape to your business process to seamlessly switch between pushing deals along your pipeline in Pipedrive and estimating/forecasting staffing for projects in Taliscape.
When you connect your Pipedrive account to Taliscape, you can set filters that determine when an opportunity turns into a project. Once it's a project in Taliscape, you can estimate the project, create roles within the project, and staff them with your team members.
Taliscape is a tool focused on forecasting your demand, estimating projects, staffing/team alignment, managing project finances, and allowing your team members to bill their time.
// You have to be a Pipedrive admin to set up the integration //
Click the green "Install now" button here and grant Taliscape access to your Pipedrive data (we'll take good care of it). If you're new to Taliscape, we'll set you up with a new account.
Otherwise, log in to Taliscape. Create a new organization or select from your existing organizations to connect to your Pipedrive account.
Once you're set-up, get started by adding in-flight projects, team members and start forecasting your team's time!
You can also change the filters that determine when a deal in Pipedrive becomes a project in Taliscape. Simply navigate to your settings in Taliscape, select the integration and modify the filters.
That’s it! You’re ready to start experiencing visibility in your team. See what they're working on and the future of your business.
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Would love to see more fields included in the integrations (e.g., Start date, end date)
Great job with the integration!
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