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Netrising is a communication agency, which focuses on giving its customers a whole toolkit of instruments to promote their company to the world. We build fully customized projects for every kind of business.
Sales and Workflow
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Sales and Workflow

Don’t have time for a professional and fast in-house implementation? Want to get the most out of your system? Please feel free to contact us! In our team of three senior consultants, you will find a sales professional (12 years as head of sales), a controlling professional (8 years as controlling manager) and a senior IT service delivery professional. That's how we make a truly unbeatable team! From Hungary, we provide Pipedrive implementations in Hungarian, German and English. We will assess your needs, set up the system, and train you to be proficient. Let’s get to know each other in an online meeting; reach out to us!
Concito Consulting
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Concito Consulting

Concito is a full services SaaS and professional services firm that build up complete processes and integrate CRM with Phone systems, Chat, and marketing systems. We implement, educate and follow up - one place for all your needs.
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Somos una consultora en gestión de clientes y transformación digital. Facilitamos la implementación y adopción de tecnologías con estrategias digitales para acelerar el crecimiento de los negocios. ---- We are a consulting firm in customer management and digital transformation. We facilitate the implementation and adoption of technologies with digital strategies to accelerate business growth.
BASIC - Soluzioni ICT
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BASIC - Soluzioni ICT

Siamo una agenzia di consulenza per aziende, in ambito ICT. Forniamo soluzioni per connettività internet professionale, telefonia mobile aziendale 5G, cloud (privato o pubblico AWS) e Cyber Security (dalla threat intelligence a piattaforme MDR). Siamo Partner Pipedrive dal 2018, specializzati nell'analisi preventiva dell'utilizzo di Pipedrive CRM, al setup, supporto e formazione. Forniamo anche servizi di integrazione Pipedrive con ERP di terze parti via API.
5.0 (6)
California CRM Developers
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California CRM Developers

Veteran Owned and Staffed. Get a DEDICATED developer who is based in the UNITED STATES to be assigned to your project. We wont change developers on you or push you to an overseas person who doesn't speak English (or Spanish) as their primary language. We are experts at marketing automations using JustCall and other tools. Text message alerts, reminders about upcoming meetings to your clients or SMS Bots to garnish reviews or surveys. We have created them all! We have lots of great tools and ideas. HABLAMOS ESPANOL
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1. Qui sommes-nous ? Nous sommes une équipe d’êtres humains unis par la volonté de faire grandir celles et ceux qui nous font confiance. Sans faux-semblants, nous avançons avec transparence et sincérité, conscients de nos limites, résolus à repousser celles de nos clients. Notre force se nourrit de l’intelligence artificielle, du no-code, de l’expertise marketing et de technologies agiles — des outils que nous maîtrisons pour qu’ils servent vos objectifs, et non l’inverse. Curieux, inventifs et en constante évolution, nous pratiquons nous-mêmes ce que nous recommandons : concevoir, tester, itérer, réinventer. Forts de notre diversité et de notre ouverture, nous refusons les solutions figées et promettons une aventure commune, authentique et exaltante pour accélérer votre croissance. 2. Notre expertise Pipedrive Notre équipe vous accompagne à chaque étape de l’implémentation et de l’optimisation de Pipedrive. Nous allions expertises marketing, développement no-code/low-code, intégrations intelligentes (IA et automatisation) ainsi qu’une approche méthodologique agile. Cette combinaison “full stack” nous permet de mettre en place des processus performants et d’adapter PipeDrive à vos besoins spécifiques. De la configuration initiale à la formation de vos équipes, en passant par le suivi et l’analyse des performances, nous veillons à ce que Pipedrive devienne le véritable moteur de votre croissance. Avec nous, vous bénéficiez d’un accompagnement personnalisé, transparent et tourné vers les résultats.
5.0 (1)
Ops Designed
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Ops Designed

Woman owned and operated, Ops Designed is a Sales Process Design and Automation consultancy specialized in Pipedrive. Whether you need help with setup, customizations, integrations, or automations we can help. Since 2017 we've helped dozens of Business Owners and Sales Leaders implement Pipedrive and scale their businesses. Will you be next? • Schedule a free 15-minute call to determine if we're a good fit: Our Services • 30, 60, or 90-minute Working Session - to get you ad-hoc help, quickly. Whether your struggling with how to set up your Pipelines, workflow automations, reporting or something else, we'll use the time to troubleshoot and implement fixes. • Comprehensive Pipedrive Onboarding - designed to get you and your team set-up and using Pipedrive within two weeks. We'll cover training on all of Pipedrive's core features and advise you on setup best practices for your industry. • Sales Process Mapping & Custom Builds - if you're wanting robust automations and integrations, custom sales documentation and training, we'll start by mapping out your ideal Sales Process and then we'll make that map a reality. Book your free call now -
5.0 (6)
CRM Squirrel
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CRM Squirrel

We only work with Pipedrive and focus on building a custom plan for your setup. We can build any automations and provide expert consulting at fixed prices. Pipedrive We focus on exclusively Pipedrive by providing very thorough planning for a total implementation that includes automated processes and any automation you can think of if its possible we can build it. In short we can do anything with Pipedrive and provide and the basic and advanced services like consulting, training, strategy sessions, and developing both simple and complex automations. What makes us different? We build all our automations completely from the ground using PHP, we don't use Zapier or any no code tools as those are frankly unreliable and limiting in terms of what can be done. Not only that our prices are transparent and very affordable. We Focus on: • Pipedrive • Justcall • Developing Sales Strategy • Building Automations for Both Just Call and Other Software's • Web Design • SEO • And so much more If you wish to see our full suite of services visit Reach out to us and let's see how we can best help you grow!
5.0 (11)
Stamina sales outsourcing company
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Stamina sales outsourcing company

Stamina is a sales outsourcing company that provides complex sales solutions for the small & medium businesses. One of the most common issues in business, which can result in various problems is the lack of measurability. Stamina sales outsourcing company's services are designed to address two fundamental requirements of any business: measurability and care for our partners. Stamina specializes in integrating the Pipedrive CRM system for various businesses, leading to a remarkable 68% growth in their investments. Pipedrive is a user-friendly customer relationship management (CRM) software designed to help all departments manage their business processes efficiently. Before implementing CRM, Stamina carefully plans [] and creates specific strategies for each customer. We determine optimal sales techniques and ensure effective CRM utilization to meet goals.
5.0 (1)
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/> A HSS é parceira oficial tipo “Premier” do CRM Pipedrive no Brasil Desde 2019 temos sido um parceiro confiável da Pipedrive na implementação tanto da “tecnologia” como na “estratégia” de CRM. A Tecnologia de CRM age como plataforma central onde os dados do cliente podem ser organizados, usados e compartilhados de maneira segura. Fornece funcionalidade para gerenciamento de funil e relatórios, assim como a possibilidade de comunicação e rastreamento de conversas com seus contatos. A Estratégia de CRM são os processos que as organizações criam para padronizar e otimizar o modo como a tecnologia CRM é usada. Portanto, pensar que o CRM é apenas uma solução de tecnologia é um dos muitos motivos que levam a implementação ao fracasso. /> Por que ter a HSS como seu “Provedor de Solução CRM Pipedrive” Poucas coisas são tão frustrantes quanto passar pelo processo caro e demorado de implementação de um novo sistema de gerenciamento de relacionamento com o cliente (CRM), apenas para vê-lo falhar. É um problema muito comum, com vários estudos do setor alegando taxas de falha entre 47% e 63%. Para evitar essa situação onerosa, é importante entender como e por que um CRM falha. Se identificados precocemente, a maioria desses problemas pode ser corrigida muito antes de ameaçarem todo o projeto de implementação. Além do domínio na Tecnologia de CRM Pipedrive, a HSS reúne quase 30 anos de experiência em vendas B2B, em diversos segmentos, principalmente em vendas de média a alta complexidade, já tendo capacitado milhares de profissionais de vendas nas mais diversas metodologias no Brasil e exterior. Portanto, detemos profundo domínio na Estratégia de CRM – imprescindível para se alcançar um processo de implementação rápido e confiável. /> REENGENHARIA do CRM Pipedrive Se você já é cliente Pipedrive mas acredita que … • Ainda há muito potencial inexplorado da ferramenta; • A personalização do CRM pode não estar otimizada para garantir a eficiência; • Há um grande desafio de adoção pelos usuários; • Nenhum ou pouco valor foi capturado com o investimento; • O CRM só aumentou a burocracia interna não gerando nenhum impacto significativo nos resultados; … talvez seja o momento de realizar uma reengenharia no processo de vendas da empresa e também no CRM.
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Soulsales was born to simplify the implementation of the best sales practices anda strategies, capable of transforming businesses and teams into a sales machine, to sell everyday! We have been a Pipedrive Partner in Brazil since 2013, providing implementation, training, consulting, integration and technology support services for Pipedrive users and customers. Visit our website and talk to us to accelerate your business and grow up to 28% in the first year using Pipedrive CRM.
5.0 (7)
Elite - Pipedrive Unlimited ⚡️⚡️⚡️
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🇫🇷🇫🇷 Version FR ci-après ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️ 🇺🇸🇬🇧 ____________________________________________________________🇺🇸🇬🇧 Hello, I’m François-Xavier 😇. Addict since 2012 😇 😊😊😊 9 people. Elite Pipedrive Partner since 2021. 450 clients supported. 5-star rating ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 🧘🧘🏻‍♀️🧘‍♂️ At PulpMeUp, we are convinced: Pipedrive is the best CRM on the market 🏅 ⚡️⚡️⚡️ Our services: PulpWithYou You integrate a true sales ops expert who will manage all the tools for your B2B growth. 7 levers we activate: 1. Structuring and optimizing Pipedrive CRM 2. Advising on a solid sales process 3. Cold email prospecting (Lemlist, Instantly) 4. Writing newsletters or nurturing sequences 5. Creating LinkedIn posts for your personal profile 6. Recommending third-party tools integrated with Pipedrive 7. Automating your sales process via We offer 4 hourly packages and 2 unlimited packages with no commitment: • 4 Packages from 5 to 20 hours - €475 to €1,645 • ⚡️⚡️⚡️ 2 Unlimited Packages - €2,245/mo • 🎁🎁🎁 Would you like a free audit? • Link to my calendar in the left column ⬅️⬅️⬅️ 🎉 With PulpMeUp, you enter rocket mode. No friction, only acceleration! 🇫🇷🇫🇷____________________________________________________________🇫🇷🇫🇷 Bonjour, je suis François-Xavier Pipedrive Addict depuis 2012 😇 😊😊😊 ? Agence de 9 personnes. Partenaire Elite Pipedrive depuis 2021. 450 clients accompagnés. Note 5 étoiles⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 🧘🧘🏻‍♀️🧘‍♂️ Chez PulpMeUp, nous en sommes convaincus: Pipedrive est le meilleur CRM du marché 🏅 ⚡️⚡️⚡️ Nos services : PulpWithYou Vous intégrez un véritable sales ops qui va gérer tous les outils à votre croissance B2B Voici les 7 leviers que nous activons : 1. Structurer et optimiser le CRM Pipedrive 2. Conseiller un processus de vente solide 3. Prospecter en cold email (Lemlist, Instantly) 4. Rédiger newsletters ou séquences nurturing 5. Créer des publications LinkedIn pour votre profil personnel 6. Recommander les outils tiers à votre Pipedrive 7. Automatiser votre processus de vente via Nous proposons 4 forfaits horaires et 2 forfaits illimités sans engagement • 4 Package de 5 à 20 heures – 475 € à 1645 € • ⚡️⚡️⚡️ PWU Illimité 3 actions simultanées – 2 245 € HT/mois • ⚡️⚡️⚡️ PWU Illimité 6 actions simultanées – 2 945 € HT/mois 🎁🎁🎁 Vous souhaitez un audit gratuit? • Prenez RDV dans mon calendrier lien à gacuhe pour une recommandation gratuite ⬅️⬅️⬅️ 🎉 Avec PulpMeUp, vous passez en mode fusée. Pas de friction, seulement de l'accélération !
5.0 (2)
Automated Sales
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Automated Sales

Automated Sales are a leading Pipedrive Partner and Sales Process Consultancy. They can support on your high level sales strategy, through to implementing sales processes that increase efficiency and improve performance, utilizing Pipedrive and connected applications.
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We are, your Growth Partner. Experienced CRM (customer relationship management) consultants, automation marketing and service practitioners, we focus on business transformation and growth by removing bulls**t and reducing risk. As an accredited software partner for Pipedrive, we are dedicated to helping businesses optimise their sales processes and drive growth. Our team of certified consultants possesses in-depth knowledge of Pipedrive's CRM software and best practices, allowing us to deliver customised solutions that align with our clients' sales strategies. From implementation and configuration to training and ongoing support, we work closely with our clients to design tailored CRM solutions that streamline sales workflows, boost sales productivity, and enhance sales performance.
Sales Agency
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Sales Agency

Pomagamy firmom B2B wejść na wyższy poziom sprzedaży poprzez dotarcie do odpowiednich klientów, opracowanie skutecznego procesu ich obsługi oraz wdrożeniu odpowiednich narzędzi do realizacji celów biznesowych. Koncentrujemy się na wspieraniu firm technologicznych i nie tylko, w eksploracji rynku i komercjalizacji ich produktów. Dobra sprzedaż to nie tylko generowanie leadów, to połączenie analizy biznesowej, znajomości rynku, zrozumienia technologii i kreatywności. Naszym głównym filarem usług jest outsourcing sprzedaży na różnych poziomach. Od organicznego generowania zweryfikowanych leadów, po sprzedaż i usługi budowania strategii sprzedaży. Drugim filarem jest dział CRM zajmujący się wdrażaniem, szkoleniem i wsparciem technicznym systemu pipedrvie. Dzięki temu, korzystając z naszych usług, klient jest otoczony opieką z każdej strony i otrzymuje wsparcie związane z obszarem sprzedaży i marketingu, które w dzisiejszych czasach są ze sobą powiązane, zarówno pod kątem procesowym jak i narzędziowym. 💥 Wdrażamy Pipedrive CRM, wykorzystując metody programowania low/no-code w środowiskach takich jak: zapier, make, n8n 💥 Tworzymy swoje własne autorskie rozwiązania programując połączenia w językach python, javascript, REST API. Pobieranie danych z bazy GUS, automatyczne generowanie kolejnego numeru ofert w szansach sprzedaży i wiele innych 💥 Połączymy Twój system ERP, nie ważne czy to jest Enova, Subiekt GT, JTL, Comarch. Wystarczy, że dostarczysz nam dokumentację 💥 Zautomatyzujemy Ci zbieranie leadów ze strony WWW, landing page, płatnych reklam na Linkedinie, Facebooku czy Google; wysyłkę maili, smsów, kampanii reklamowych czy kampanii przez webinarem. Lista aplikacji które już łączyliśmy z pipedrive: Zapier, Make, JustCall, Calendly, WooCommerce, Shopify, Trello, Asana,, ActiveCampaign, LinkedIn, Facebook, Wordpress i wiele innych.
5.0 (4)
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Zimple on täyden palvelun Pipedrive-talo. Myymme lisenssit, koulutamme, konsultoimme sekä autamme käyttöönotoissa, asiakastiedon ylläpidossa ja markkinoinnissa. Lisäksi rakennamme oman koodaritiimimme voimin integraatioita Pipedriven ja muiden järjestelmien välille tarpeenne mukaan. Tavoitteemme on, että Pipedrive palvelee aina sinua - ei toisin päin. Zimple on suomalainen, monesti palkittu Pipedrive-kumppani. Olemme saaneet Pipedrivelta sekä Global Partner of the Year -palkinnon 2022 että Regional Partner of the Year -palkinnot 2022 ja 2023. Teemme myös Pipedrive-lisäosia, jotta Pipedrivesi olisi entistäkin tehokkaampi. Zimplen tekemät lisäosat, kuten Netvisor- ja Procountor-integraatio, Pipedriven asiakirjojen hallintaa laajentava OneNode sekä automaatioita tehostava OneClick, ovat ladattavissa suoraan Pipedriven lisäosakaupasta Marketplacesta. Zimplen avulla saat CRM:n, joka palvelee juuri sinun tarpeitasi ja tukee koko tiimiä päivittäisessä myyntityössä. Avullamme myös automatisoit turhat manuaalityöt, jotka hidastavat teitä todellisessa tavoitteessanne: saada enemmän kauppaa. --- Zimple is the top innovation partner for Pipedrive. We create the best Pipedrive add-ons to elevate your use of Pipedrive. We are also an Elite Pipedrive Partner and mostly work in the Nordic region. Zimple is located in Finland, and have received both the Global Partner of the Year award in 2022 and the Regional Partner of the Year award in 2022 and 2023. We build add-ons to Pipedrive to make sure Pipedrive is serving you even better. The Zimple add-ons, such as OneNode that enhances Pipedrive's document management and OneClick that makes your automations easier to trigger, can be found on the Pipedrive Marketplace.
5.0 (11)
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Established in 2012, HVN Group specializes in technology solutions, supporting businesses of all sizes through digital transformation. As a trusted partner and a premier authorized reseller for leading brands, including Google, Microsoft, Zoho, and Bitrix24, HVN provides over 2,000 services covering domains like cloud hosting, software licensing, enterprise automation, digital marketing, and secure business communication. At HVN, our core values drive us to deliver personalized solutions that align with clients' specific needs, helping them maximize operational efficiency and competitiveness in today’s digital-first landscape. From SMEs to large-scale enterprises, HVN’s diverse offerings range from end-to-end digital transformation consulting to fully managed services, backed by advanced technologies in AI, IoT, and data security. Why Partner with HVN? 1. Comprehensive Solution Portfolio: HVN’s ecosystem spans all major domains in digital business infrastructure, enabling a one-stop-shop experience. 2. Global Partnerships: As a high-tier partner for global technology leaders, HVN provides exclusive insights and tools to clients, ensuring they stay ahead of industry trends. 3. Tailored Client-Centric Approach: Every solution is uniquely crafted to meet individual client requirements, supporting sustainable growth and innovation.
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GROUPmee is formed by the union of SAPmee and INNOVAmee and its main objective is to help its clients focus on their core business and forget about the rest of the problems. Technology should not hinder the productivity, work, or interaction of your workers and your clients with your company. Leave all this in our hands so you can focus on your work, without worries or waste of time. We have specific solutions to improve the way of working in each area of your company so that it is more effective, productive and satisfactory for your workers, clients and suppliers. At INNOVAmee we provide support and maintenance to companies and organizations of different scopes and sizes. We also provide consulting in digital transformation, implementation of tools from our different partners: Microsoft, ASANA, Pipedrive, Holded, Signaturit, etc. On the other hand, SAPmee's work focuses on consulting, management, implementation and support of SAP projects. In addition, we are a Digitalizing Agent and Digital Advisors for Through an initial meeting, we will learn about your needs and we will propose the best solution for your Pipedrive implementation, training, integration or start-up project.
5.0 (4)
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Hoyvendemas es tu aliado estratégico para implementar, capacitar y liberar el potencial de Pipedrive. Con un enfoque en la implementación de Pipedrive de alto impacto, nuestro equipo se dedica a transformar tus procesos comerciales para alcanzar resultados extraordinarios. Nos comprometemos a brindar un servicio integral, que incluye desde la implementación técnica hasta la formación y soporte continuo, asegurando que cada cliente maximice su potencial de ventas. En hoyvendemas sabemos que Pipedrive es el eje comercial de las organizaciones exitosas y queremos que formes parte de ellas, porque en Hoyvendemas tu éxito comercial es nuestra misión.

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