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The State of Sales 2020-2021: Download the free report

Download the 82-page Pipedrive State of Sales 2020-2021 report free for an insight into how the sales industry was impacted by the pandemic.

What you’ll find in the report:

  • Dozens of charts, graphs and statistics about sales

  • A round-up of the responses from 1,702 sales professionals, business owners and people involved in sales

  • Comparisons between English-, German-, Portuguese- and Spanish-speaking respondents

  • How things have changed for English-speaking respondents since our last survey in 2019

  • Key conclusions on how the sales industry was impacted in 2020 and predictions for this year

Statistics included in the report

41% of sales professionals worked mostly from home in 2020

59% of respondents believe they became more successful at sales in 2020

92% believe their role will have a positive impact on the economy in 2021

Respondents who work on their soft skills are more likely to hit their sales goals

The Covid-19 pandemic has changed our lives in the most fundamental of ways: how we live, how we work, how we connect with others and the world around us. The challenges that have emerged this year are far from over, but I continue to be inspired by the collective efforts of everyone in the sales industry as we weather this storm together. We have a history of outstanding resilience, and while this may be one of our biggest tests yet, as this report outlines, the future is full of opportunity.

Sergei AnikinCTO, Pipedrive

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