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Discover all the characteristics of a customer relationship management tool that you should look for. Companies in almost every industry can benefit from using CRM software, so how do you find the right one for you?

Work anywhere, anytime

Our Android and iOS apps turn your Pipedrive sales hub into a mobile CRM that keeps all of your leads, contacts and deals at the tips of your fingers.

  • Access all information from anywhere, anytime
  • Take notes while on the go, during a call or a meeting
  • Make calls directly from the app and automatically track them in Pipedrive
  • Schedule activities wherever you are, even when offline
  • Use the search option to recap before a follow-up
  • Plan your day with the Focus View to zero in on the most pressing tasks
  • Snap a picture with your phone and add it to a deal or contact
  • Use the “Nearby” feature to see which clients are close
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The best thing we love about Pipedrive is it does two-way sync with Google Apps. It has helped us to better organise and keep everything on track.
NGNirmal GyanwaliManaging Director, Nirmal Web Studio
You guys rock for online sales pipeline management! Thanks for making software that thinks about users above a feature list. Loving every minute.
DKDarrell KeezerCEO, Candybox Marketing Inc.
Best program we have used for tracking sales. We have tried many others but this is the first one that the sales guys really like and most importantly... they use it!
DSDan SetoCOO and Founder, CircuitMeter Inc.

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