Appy Pie Connect
by Appy Pie
Appy Pie’s Connect offers event-based automation, enabling you to create custom integration to meet your needs.
Trigger workflows automatically on specific events. Make sure you have an API to make your apps work together on our platform. Set up cross-functional workflows to send automated emails, run and manage automated campaigns, create automated tasks, automate social media activities and automate your entire business process.
Make sure you have an account on Pipedrive and Connectappypie.com
Install our app from Pipedrive marketplace.
Connect Pipedrive and any other cloud tool you want to work with Pipedrive inside Connectappypie.com
Start building your automation flow in Appy Pie's Connect Editor. Connect Pipedrive and other tool action blocks, adding conditions, variables and other Connectappypie.com blocks
Perform a test run
Activate your connect
For more detailed explanation visit https://www.appypie.com/connect/integration/pipedrive
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